
M&A advisors – How to choose

June 4th, 2021 •

Most importantly: as in any job, you can only succesfully play a league you belong to. Goldman Sachs will not sell your local fruit stall network. You need to know what you want to achieve and realistically assess who might have the competence, but also motivation, to help you.

M&A advisors (series)

May 14th, 2021 •

Disclaimer: any similarity to actual events and persons is purely co-incidental 🙂 M&A advisors are used for selling companies, raising capital, various mergers and so on. In our series we will concern ourselves mainly with advisory mandates with regards to sale of companies. Such mandate, if done right, can make you a lot of extra […]


May 5th, 2021 •

Any successful startup sooner or later gets to a situation, where capacity, knowledge and experience of the founders and their initial teams stop being enough and it’s time to tap the talent market. And then comes the surprise.

Praise of COVID

April 23rd, 2021 •

Our portfolio spans from building materials to pharmaceuticals, from robotic process automation to shared bikes. The way the pandemic hit our companies varies wildly. Some got propelled to new heights, some are practically unaffected and few are being pulled under.

We’ve sold something, again… (oh, the lawyers :)

March 31st, 2021 •

Imagine a world, in which you have a company you want to sell. A buyer approaches and says: “I’ll give you 300 million for it”, you negotiate a bit and agree on 400 million, sign one page contract (seller, buyer, name of the company, price, date) and the money is in the bank after three days.