
You’re on your own

August 3rd, 2022 •

I didn’t get it before either. I had an investor, a co-shareholder, a partner in my company. I put everything I had to the company. All my time, all my money. I pledged my house, gave up my salary. But in hard times, it was not enough. I went to my investor, and I expected them to provide some much-needed money, because he had the cash. And he surely wants to save his previous investment, right?

Take care, people!

April 6th, 2022 •

Well-being is becoming more and more frequently discussed. It is a new trend!


August 10th, 2021 •

Nobody likes to read contracts (except myself, but other people have weird hobbies too, right? … someone keeps poisonous spiders, I read contracts). Tens of pages of boring text and contrived sentences, written in a language few understand.

Why startups fail

August 3rd, 2021 •

Every day, hundreds, if not thousands of startups, are founded. Most of them won’t make it into a real company. Often not because there was not a good idea at the beginning or the customers did not want to buy the product or service. The reasons are often quite prosaic.

M&A advisors – Price

June 29th, 2021 •

I know, I know, I am taking my time with finishing the series. Sorry! Maybe it would be easier for you to get a professional investor, who will do all that for you 🙂