Ondrej and Jiri

VOS.health founders

Ondrej and Jiri are the founders of VOS.health, a mobile app that helps people overcome mentally challenging situations, keep track of their mood, and work towards long-term satisfaction. It’s a digital space where anyone can record their mood, feelings and emotions and work to improve them. This data is then analysed using intuitive AI and machine learning to help the users understand themselves better. To achieve positive outcomes, VOS teaches users self-reflection and the use of intervention methods.

Jiri and Ondrej have been best friends since the first year of high school. During their studies, both founders started to work in robotics, which took them to several countries and collecting awards and laurels in France, Russia, USA and Colombia. At 16, they programmed and sold the Presentlist app, a Christmas gift chooser, and found they were able to create a successful digital product that would be in demand in the marketplace. They subsequently built one of the world-leading digital labs – Qusion.com – where they successfully helped launch many innovative projects.

The founders now devote the majority of their time to the VOS.health app. One of the reasons why healthtech in particular is so important is that Jiri and Ondrej have encountered problems and difficulties that have affected their mental health, especially during their entrepreneurial career. They became more interested in self-development, self-reflection and mental health support, and out of this and the desire to help others with these or even more difficult problems. As a result, the VOS.health app was created.

LinkedIn – Jiri: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jiri-diblik/

LinkedIn – Ondrej: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ondrej-kopecky/