Daniel, Radek, Nicolas

SENS founders

A regular size beef steak requires water consumption similar to 10 hour long shower. United Nations in 2013 showed this data and also a possible solution – protein from insects.

Motivated by this, Nicolas, Daniel and Radek, one French and two Czechs, started working on cricket protein. Now, they operate the biggest cricket farm and the leading European cricket protein brand SENS. The farm, located in Chiang Mai, Thailand, aims to bring down production costs of cricket protein to make it also the cheapest animal protein on the market. The consumer brand SENS uses sustainably sourced cricket protein in various food products. SENS protein bars, crackers, pasta and other products are promoting the idea of cricket protein in supermarkets across Germany and the Czech republic.

“Our motto is maximal good, minimal bad. All the good stuff (like flying around the world) has a price, paid by the bad stuff (green house gas emissions). SENS is not 100% good either. No one is. But working on the “good” is not just a marketing trick for us. A sustainable source of protein is not just a vision. It is the daily bread of scientists, farmers and food provocateurs in the SENS team.”

SENS: https://www.sensbar.com/en/